This Week in Tweets: 2011-04-10
- Why they ever canceled the Sarah Silverman Program, I'll never know #
- This Week in Tweets: 2011-04-03 – #
- Back at the gym. I think I saw Vladimir Putin. #
- Ha, kinda long but hilarious // "I have read your website and it is obviously that your a foggot." #
- ha, just did a totally unexpected and impromptu interview about @pocketnoagenda for the Open Source DSC #
- Tsunami Victim: Dog Rescued After 3 Weeks Adrift [VIDEO] via @mashablevideo @mashable #
- Mind. Blown. #
- 1. Turn off truck and remove key and put in jacket
2. Get out of truck and take off jacket and put in truck
3. Lock truck
4. …
5. Profit! # - Heading out to @VTM_iphone . Wonder how many PCs I'll see there… #
- Jesus, PC companies just don't get it // Acer Creates Windows PC for the IPad Generation – via @BloombergNow #
- It's Friday, Friday. I know because yesterday was Thursday and tomorrow's Saturday. #
- Learned cocos2d, chipmunk physics, and won a shirt today #
- Alright @foodspotting and yelp, I'm gonna give piroshky piroshky a try. Better not lead me wrong. #
- Back after a long, informative, fun day #
- God, @vimeo is so fucking awesome, so much better than youtube #
- It would appear I'm the first one here for @VTM_iphone today #
- The cowboy hat! #
- Fuck You, Pay Me – #
- Free shirt yesterday, free book today! #
- Just heard a talk about Project Chameleon. Sounds interesting. #VTM_iphone #
- Looks to be an 'interesting' talk #
- GREAT talk by @mikeash #VTM_iphone #
- This conference just got weird #VTM_iphone #
- Didnt know it was out, just bought it!// @perlmunger: Juke box app from @stevebaranski looking pretty cool. #vtm_iphone #