CS145 Program 2 Files
Remember, comments are required for programs.
Dr. Osborne has provided a sample program so you can see what your program should function like. Remember to take advantage of this.
Remember, comments are required for programs.
Dr. Osborne has provided a sample program so you can see what your program should function like. Remember to take advantage of this.
WITH Unchecked_Deallocation;
PROCEDURE Dispose IS NEW Unchecked_Deallocation (
Object => ListNode,
Name  => NodePtr);
F( X , Y )
X – Y | x < 0 |
X – Y | y < 0 |
f(x-1,y) + f(x,y-1) | else |
C( N , R )
1 | N == R |
C (N,N) | R == 0 |
C (N-1,R-1) + C (N-1,R) | R > 0 |
0 | else |
Remember you can access array values with ‘First and ‘Last
i.e. A’First and A’Last
If you need help over the weekend (or whenever for that matter) send me email at cs[dot]ta[dot]adam[at]gmail[dot]com (change the [dot] to a ‘.’ and the [at] to a ‘@’). You can ask questions or schedule a appointment to meet.
Add these lines to your employees.ads
PACKAGE Gender_IO IS NEW Enumeration_IO(Enum => GenderType);
USE Gender_IO;
Some of the things you are required to do (in the order I would do them):
When I write “…â€, that is content that you fill in.
tag – is set of opening and closing string to signify special meaning. Tags normally come in pairs, one being an opening tag and the other the closing tag.
For example:
Opening tag: <title>
Closing tag: </title>
Entire tag: <title>Adam’s Great Webpage</title>
So what this is saying is, “‘Adam’s Great Webpage’ is the title of this pageâ€
You will need these files for lab 2.
What you need to do: