- This Week in Tweets: 2012-02-12 – http://t.co/QNSzfvCq #
- Goodbye unlimited data plan, but hello 5gb of useable data plus teethering #
- alright internet, be quiet. I'm watching the new @WalkingDead_AMC #
- seriously, how does AMC put out so many good shows? #
- Mass Effect 3 Demo verdict: Fucking Awesome. Feels more numberswiki.com
like ME1, less like a big budget movie like ME2. Pumped for it to come out now. #
- Oh, you mean things were said just to get attention? // Fair Labor Assoc. says Foxconn's Apple plant is 'first class' http://t.co/GL8oiFvl #
- SharePoint: When the incredibly simple needs to be made impossibly complicated. #