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This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.

My Kindle 2 Review

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I’ll start off by saying that I am no reading enthusiast. During grade school, I dreaded the unavoidable book readings. I do of course read; mostly staring at a computer screen though. I have a book shelf that is filled with books; however, nearly all of them are of a technical nature or related to school. There was a period a few years ago when I got the urge to expand my horizons and attempt to read some of the classics and therefore a small portion of that book shelf is dedicated to books that I have read and now keep as some sort of trophy. I read many good books during that time, but I think I got too used to reading on a computer screen and the conveniences that come with it and so my reading slowly waned over time, perhaps as school started to take increasingly more time in my life. But I don’t think that urge to read ever really disappeared, more like a fire where the flames have shrunk but embers remain waiting for a breeze to come along a re-ignite the fire.

Well, I think the Kindle 2 might of been that cool breeze to spark the flame. So enough with the history, lets talk hardware.

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Movie Soundtracks

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It’s seem a bit strange but I kinda fucking hate it when a movie has music that I know in it. You would think, “Hey. I know that song. I like that artist. I like that song. This is cool”. But really all it does is “pull me out of movie”. A soundtrack is suppose to enhance the experience, not distract you. I’m watching “Wanted” and I’ve heard three Nine Inch Nails songs already (within about the first 10 minutes). I love NIN and the songs that are playing but they don’t draw me into the movie. It just fucking pisses me off that I’m thinking about those songs now (and writing a post about it) instead of the movie.

Anyone with me or am I just crazy?

Touch Thinking

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I recently had to give a talk about alternate user interfaces and it kinda resparked my interest in the subject. I’ve been thinking about a quick and easy way to get a (multi-touch) touch interface working. I know much more about the subject than I previously did when I made my simple pinch glove and think I could make something much cooler now. I have a couple of ideas but nothing that is a complete solution. now I just need to find the time . . .

G.I. Joe Trailer

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Check out the trailer for G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. It looks pretty good. Comes out on August 7.

Why Some Companies Prosper and Others Don’t

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Apple’s Jobs takes $1 salary, but holdings suffer AP by AP: Yahoo Tech

If you already didn’t know, Apple’s Steve Jobs only takes a $1 a year salary. There are of course bonuses (like a private jet and the expenses), but most of his compensation come from stock options. This makes him personally invested in the company and its success and the interests of the share holders (since he is a large one). Imagine if Enron was run like this . . .

Three-a-day Tae Kwon Do is KIL…

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Three-a-day Tae Kwon Do is KILLING my legs

Yay! Twitter api’s are working…

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Yay! Twitter api’s are working for me again.

changed blog theme, check it o…

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changed blog theme, check it out

Why I Love and Hate Twitter (UPDATE)

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Love: It is a great way to just send short little bursts of information to friends.

Hate: If you are not aware or only use the website to interface with twitter, they have an API that any third-party application works with. To prevent scaling issues and over use and such, they impose a limit to the requests that an account can make per hour. This limit fluctuates but is generally around 100 per hour. However, for some unknown reason, my account thinks it has ALWAYS used up all of its requests so I can’t ever use third-party twitter clients or anything that access my twitter (like the widget on the right).

UPDATE: As soon as I posted this, it started working again! I love twitter now!